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Artboards Vs Pages In Design Layouts

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Artboards Vs Pages In Design Layouts

Artboards vs Pages in Design Layouts is a comparison between two essential elements in digital design software that serve as containers for design elements. Artboards and pages are both used to organize and structure design layouts, but they have distinct characteristics and purposes. Artboards are typically associated with vector-based design software, such as Adobe Illustrator, and are used to create multiple design variations or individual elements within a single document. They are independent of each other and can have different sizes, orientations, and settings. Artboards are particularly useful for designing responsive layouts, user interfaces, or creating assets for various screen sizes. On the other hand, pages are more commonly found in layout-focused applications, such as Adobe InDesign, and are used to create multi-page documents, such as brochures, books, or magazines. Pages are sequential and maintain a consistent size and orientation throughout the document. They are linked together and can share master elements, such as headers, footers, and page numbers. While artboards offer flexibility for creating independent design elements, pages provide a structured framework for organizing content across multiple pages. Understanding the differences between artboards and pages is crucial for designers to choose the appropriate tool and approach based on the specific requirements of their design project. Interestingly, some design software, like Sketch, has blurred the lines between artboards and pages by introducing features like infinite canvas, which allows designers to create and organize artboards within a single, scrollable workspace.

artboards, pages, design layouts, vector graphics, multi-page documents, responsive design

Taylor Williams

Artboards Vs Pages In Design Layouts Definition
Artboards Vs Pages In Design Layouts on Design+Encyclopedia

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