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Archery Arm Guards

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Archery Arm Guards

Archery arm guards are protective gear worn by archers on their forearm to prevent injuries from the bowstring during shooting. The arm guard is designed to cover the inner forearm and wrist, which are the areas most susceptible to injuries from the bowstring. The primary function of the arm guard is to prevent the bowstring from hitting the archer's forearm, which can cause pain, bruising, and even serious injuries. Archery arm guards are made of various materials, including leather, synthetic materials, and plastic. Leather arm guards are the most popular due to their durability, comfort, and aesthetic appeal. Synthetic materials and plastic arm guards are also available and are often preferred by beginners and young archers due to their affordability and ease of use. Archery arm guards come in different sizes and designs to fit different arm sizes and shooting styles. Some arm guards are adjustable to fit different arm sizes, while others are designed to be one-size-fits-all. The design of the arm guard can also vary, with some featuring a simple strap and buckle closure, while others have more complex designs that offer additional protection to the wrist and hand. In addition to preventing injuries, archery arm guards can also improve an archer's accuracy and consistency. By preventing the bowstring from hitting the forearm, the arm guard allows the archer to maintain a consistent shooting form and follow-through, which can result in more accurate shots.

Archery, Arm Guards, Bowstring, Protective Gear, Accuracy

Joseph Moore

Archery Arm Guards Definition
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