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Allegorical is a term used in design to describe works that use symbolic figures, actions, imagery, or events to convey a hidden or ulterior meaning, typically of moral, social, religious, or political significance. In allegorical designs, the elements are carefully chosen to represent abstract ideas or principles, creating a narrative that operates on both literal and metaphorical levels. This approach has been employed across various design disciplines, including graphic design, illustration, painting, sculpture, and even architecture. Historically, allegorical representations have been used to communicate complex concepts to a wide audience, as seen in medieval morality plays, Renaissance art, and political cartoons. In contemporary design, allegory continues to be a powerful tool for engaging viewers and provoking thought about issues such as consumerism, environmentalism, social justice, and the human condition. By using recognizable symbols and archetypes, designers can tap into collective cultural knowledge and create works that resonate on multiple levels, inviting interpretation and sparking dialogue.

allegory, symbolism, metaphor, narrative, meaning

Robert Anderson

Allegorical Definition
Allegorical on Design+Encyclopedia

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