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An Allee is a landscaping feature or plant arrangement typically consisting of trees, shrubs, and/or flowers, arranged in a straight line or pattern. Allees are often used in parks and gardens to create a long and inviting path or walkway. These are often lined with trees and shrubs and are used to separate different areas in a landscape. Allees can be used to draw attention to a specific structure or feature or to create a sense of enclosure and privacy. Allees can also be used to create a strong visual aesthetic, often with a symmetrical design of trees, shrubs, and/or flowers. Allees can be used in urban areas to create a sense of nature in a cityscape, as well as to provide a safe and inviting walkway for pedestrians.

Trees, shrubs, flowers, pattern, arrangement, symmetry, enclosure, aesthetic.

Thomas Scott

Allee Definition
Allee on Design+Encyclopedia

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