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Adobe RGB is a color space specification that defines a specific range of colors that can be represented. It encompasses a broader gamut of colors compared to the more commonly used sRGB color space, particularly in the cyan-green hues. This expanded color gamut allows for more vibrant and saturated colors to be captured and displayed, which is especially beneficial in professional photography and printing workflows. Adobe RGB was developed to better align with the color capabilities of CMYK printers, ensuring a closer match between the colors seen on a computer display and those achieved in the final printed output. It is widely supported by professional-grade cameras, monitors, and printing equipment. However, it's crucial to note that not all devices and software support Adobe RGB, and using it in a non-color-managed workflow can lead to unexpected color shifts. Therefore, it's essential to consider the intended use and the capabilities of the entire workflow when deciding whether to use Adobe RGB or sRGB.

color space, color gamut, professional photography, printing, CMYK, cameras, monitors, printers, color management

John Armstrong

Adobe-RGB Definition
Adobe-RGB on Design+Encyclopedia

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