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ABSOLUTE BOX Small House Post Disaster

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ABSOLUTE BOX Small House Post Disaster

ABSOLUTE BOX Small House Post Disaster is an innovative self-sufficient emergency housing solution designed by Anna Rita Emili that exemplifies the intersection of humanitarian architecture and sustainable design principles. This sophisticated temporary shelter structure comprises two structural steel frames that envelope a volume of plasterboard panels coated with high-resistance HDPE panels, creating a resilient and adaptable living space. The design, which earned the Silver A' Design Award in Architecture, Building and Structure Design category, features a comprehensive approach to post-disaster housing with its basic dimensions of 6x2.5x2.5 meters, expandable in both length and width to accommodate varying needs. The unit incorporates advanced sustainability features including photovoltaic panels for daily power requirements, a 300-litre water tank sufficient for three days of usage, and an innovative heating coil system beneath the wooden floor for optimal climate control in both winter and summer conditions. The aluminum-coated structural frames elevate the unit from the ground, effectively preventing moisture-related issues, while two glazed walls opening onto the bedroom and living room create a sense of spaciousness and connection with the exterior environment. The design's versatility is further enhanced by its customizable white envelope, which can be modified with different colors or patterns to suit specific contextual requirements, while the interior efficiently accommodates essential living spaces including a combined living room/kitchenette, bedroom, and bathroom, making it a comprehensive solution for post-disaster housing needs.

emergency architecture, sustainable housing, disaster relief shelter, modular design, temporary accommodation, humanitarian architecture

Adam Dawson

ABSOLUTE BOX Small House Post Disaster Definition
ABSOLUTE BOX Small House Post Disaster on Design+Encyclopedia

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